Mr McGee Goes to Sea
by Pamela Allen
by Pamela Allen
Mr McGee's adventures take him underwater
Mr McGee was sipping tea beneath this spreading apple tree, when up above him in the sky a big black cloud came floating by.
"Oh dear, it's going to rain," he said.
Just then a drop fell on his head.
He quickly opened up his brolly.
"I'm warm and dry," he thought. "How jolly"
But while he sat there sipping tea...
... the drips and drops became a sea.
Quite soon he found he was afloat.
His chair became a little boat.
Holding the teapot carefully (he didn't want to spill the tea)
Mr McGee just sailed away on that particular rain day.
Now out at sea where it was deep...
...there lay a huge fish, half asleep.
The monster yawned and opened wide.
Poor Mr MacGee went down inside.
Now in the dark he fumbled about...
stabbing and jabbing to get out.
The great fish gave a little cry,
"Oo! Ooo! Oooooo! I've swallowed a fly"
Then his huge mouth formed a spout and shot the tiny creature out.
Mr McGee flew through the sky, like a rocket racing by,
Until he was above the town.
There he gently drifted down.
He landed safely in his tree.
He hadn't split a drop of tea.
So then and there he poured a cup.
He stirred it round and drank it up.
"Ah!" He said.
"There's nothing like a cup of tea when you've been sailing on the sea."
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